Opening hours



Opening hours

In the interest of your pets and so as not to disturb the dogs, we have restricted times for

dropping off and picking up your pets. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for 

respecting our opening hours. Many thanks Steph and Chris  



9:30-10:30 and 4:30-5:30

We are however open for phone calls all day these are just the hours for collecting and dropping your pets off and also for visits.


Christmas opening hours

xmas eve 9:30-10:30 and 4:30-5:30

Xmas day closed for pick ups and drop offs

Boxing day 9:30-10:30 and 4:30-5:30

New Year's Eve 9:30-10:30 and 4:30-5:30

New years day closed for pick ups and drop offs

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